What Is Problem Gambling

Published: October 7, 2016
Not all people who gamble excessively are alike, nor are the problems they face. People with gambling problems are found in all age groups, income groups, cultures and jobs. Some people develop gambling problems suddenly, others over many years.
There are many reasons why a gambling problem may develop. For example, some people develop problems when they try to win back money they have lost, or because they like to be “in the action.” Others have many life stresses that make gambling a welcome relief.
Problem gambling is not just about losing money. Gambling problems can affect a person’s whole life.
Gambling is a problem when it:
- Gets in the way of work, school or other activities
- Harms your mental or physical health
- Hurts you financially
- Damages your reputation
- Causes problems with your family or friends
Are you wondering whether you, or someone you know, has a problem with gambling?
Take the quiz at www.the95percent.org and find out if you or someone you know is affected by problem gambling.