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Disaster & Mass Casualty Resources

Published: October 16, 2017

While many are stunned by the Las Vegas tragedy, many news outlets, including the Washington Post, have reported on the gambling behaviors of the perpetrator. It is important to share with your communities that the vast majority of those struggling with gambling issues do not take violent action against others, and that help is available to all Ohioans.

The National Center offers resources for both general (e.g., survivors, families of those affected, general public) and professional (e.g., first responders, clergy members, mental health professionals) audiences. The list below reviews those materials most relevant following the tragedy in Las Vegas. 

Resources for Survivors, Families, and the General Public

NCPTSD web page: Resources for Survivors and the Public Following Sudden Trauma 

This web page includes a list of relevant NCPTSD resources and web articles on reactions to traumatic events, such as mass shootings.

Topics include:

  • Effects of sudden trauma
  • Common reactions to trauma
  • How media can affect stress levels. 

For further resources for survivors, families and the general public, download the list. The list attached also includes mobile apps and provider resources.

Derek Longmeier

Executive Director

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