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Introducing the New Media Campaign

Published: February 19, 2018

Get Set Before You Bet is excited to debut its new media campaign, which will engage and educate Ohioans about the importance of responsible gambling practices.

Agency partner Origo Branding Company developed a TV commercial as part of an overall marketing campaign to engage audiences and drive awareness of the Get Set Before You Bet campaign message. Utilizing a “Calm & Cool” concept, Origo created a character named Todd, a gambler who gets set before he bets. Because Todd is a responsible gambler, little phases him, as illustrated in his daily interactions at work, as well as with his family and friends.

:15 and :30 radio commercials were also created and will run statewide, in addition to social media posts and digital ads to help generate excitement for this phase of the campaign. These items were designed to help increase campaign awareness, promote important tips, and drive individuals to the Before You Bet website.

To view the new campaign materials, please visit the Community Toolkit on the Before You Bet website.

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