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New Tactics & Resources for Problem Gambling Awareness Month 2018

Published: March 5, 2018

Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) is an annual grassroots effort to increase public awareness around the issue of problem gambling, as well as advocate the availability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services within the state. 2018 is the 14th year for this event and groups will be holding conferences, airing Public Service Announcements, providing counselor trainings, hosting screening days, and running social media campaigns across the country to bring awareness to the risks associated with problem gambling. A complete list of available resources and events from the National Council on Problem Gambling can be found here.

This year’s theme is “Have the Conversation,” which is to draw attention to the importance of recognizing the signs of problem gambling and having the courage to address them. Some of these signs include:

  • Preoccupation with betting
  • Anxiety and sleeplessness due to gambling
  • Lying about amount of money spent wagering
  • Borrowing money to keep betting

To help communities here in Ohio, please see the list of trainings, financial education, and other resources from the campaign here.

Finally, Get Set Before You Bet is excited to debut a Public Service Announcement, which you can easily share within your network. The PSA is designed to engage and inform about the importance of responsible gambling practices. Utilizing a fresh approach, this PSA features a character named Todd, a gambler who is able to live the “calm and cool life” by getting set before he bets, which means spending time with family, paying his bills, and, of course, taking the online quiz. Because Todd is a responsible gambler, little phases him, as illustrated in his daily interactions at work, in the home, and with his family and friends.


:15 and :30 second radio commercials were also created and will run statewide, in addition to social media posts and digital ads to help generate excitement for this phase of the campaign. These items were designed to help increase campaign awareness, promote important tips, and drive individuals to the Before You Bet website.

To view campaign materials and place them within local communities, please visit the Community Toolkit on the Before You Bet website, and contact us to find out how to co-brand these tactics, as well as how to partner with the campaign throughout Problem Gambling Awareness Month.



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