Gambling Addiction: How to Avoid the Triggers This Holiday Season.
Published: November 19, 2018
The holiday season may be full of fun and family gatherings. But for those experiencing or recovering from a gambling problem, it’s also a season full of temptations.
It could be as simple as a card game around the kitchen table, a friendly bet on a college bowl game or getting scratch-off tickets as a stocking stuffer. For most, those are just everyday events during the holidays. But for some, they’re the kind of temptations that can trigger the urge to gamble.
But there are a few simple things that problem gamblers can do to prepare themselves for potential holiday triggers. They include:
Money: Put someone else in charge of your finances if you’re concerned about your urge to gamble. That way, you won’t have access to extra cash that could create temptation.
Talking: It may sound simple. But simple solutions tend to work. Just ask your family and friends not to gamble when playing games while you’re around them.
Gifts: Make sure your loved ones know not to give you holiday gifts in the form of cash, scratch-off tickets or other gambling games.
The holidays are a time for celebrating. So, play it safe. And separate yourself from the temptations that could trigger problem gambling.