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Gambling Related Harms Among Youth

Published: July 8, 2019

It’s not just a harmless hobby

Gambling’s impact on youth

A lot of research and work has gone into addressing gambling-related problems among adults. But more and more communities around the world are looking at the real dangers facing young people exposed to gambling behaviors at an early age.

Young people are being exposed to gambling more than ever before. The driving force is almost universal access to the internet. Many online games have allowed gambling-type behaviors to creep into the lives of children in a way that has gone unnoticed until recent years. Features like loot boxes and instant upgrades mimic the same kind of highs that adult gamblers experience. But for young people – the effects can be even more life altering.

Adolescence is a key stage of growth. Young people’s brains are still developing. They may lack impulse control and an ability to fully understand the consequences of their actions. As a result, young people exposed to gambling are at a greater risk of developing problems that can affect them for the rest of their lives.

Earlier this year, Get Set Before You Bet launched a new initiative aimed at raising awareness of the issue of youth gambling. This summer, as children and young adults are enjoying their break from school, it’s important that we all remind ourselves of the role we can play in protecting them from the dangers of youth gambling.

At Change the Game Ohio, you’ll find tools and information on:

  • Gambling Fact Sheets for Parents & Educators
  • Teen Gambling Warning Signs
  • Discussion Guidelines for Parents & Educators
  • The Dangers of Youth Gambling
  • School Policies & Advice

To learn more, visit

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