Ohio’s Free Resources to Treat Problem Gambling

Published: October 7, 2019
While the reasons why an individual experiences a gambling problem vary, the one consistent theme is that the problem negatively affects the individual as well as his friends and family. With the increase in availability of gambling opportunities, simply staying away or quitting can be difficult, however it is important to keep in mind that Treatment Works and Recovery is Possible!
In Ohio, there are a variety of valuable resources and services to help those dealing with problem gambling. They’re widely available – and they’re FREE.
Treatment Services
For a professional assessment and treatment resources near you, visit GamblingHelpOhio.org. There are over 80 outpatient gambling counseling and treatment organizations available.
In Ohio, problem gambling treatment services are free. Contact the Ohio Problem Gambling Helpline at 800.589.9966 to speak to a referral specialist.
For veterans, in-patient treatment services are available. For anyone, residential gambling treatment programs are available nationally.
Recovery Support
Gamblers Anonymous offers a variety of meeting options, varying from Closed (only those with a gambling problem, or those who think they may have a gambling problem are eligible to participate) to Open (which may include spouses, family, and friends of the gambler). To find a GA meeting in your area, visit GamblersAnonymous.org/GA/Locations.
Voluntary Exclusion Program (VEP)
This program offers individuals the ability to ban themselves from a casino or racino facility for one year, five years or their lifetime. If you want to enroll, you will be asked to complete the Request for Voluntary Exclusion form in the presence of a trained staff member. Once the request is validated, you are not permitted access to any Ohio casino or racino facility during the length of the self-imposed ban.
The Voluntary Exclusion Program demands the following:
- A participant agrees to refrain from entering a casino/racino facility.
- The participant’s name shall be included on a list of persons excluded from all casinos/racino facilities.
- The participants and their personal information is confidential.
- The casino/racino operator is required to make all reasonable attempts to stop all direct marketing efforts to participants.
- A casino/racino operator will not cash a check or extend credit to a program participant.
There are consequences if you enroll and do enter a casino or racino. You can be charged with trespassing and you will be forced to forfeit any winnings.
To learn more about options available for Ohioans who may be struggling with a gambling disorder, visit BeforeYouBet.org today.