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6 risks factors of online gambling

Published: June 22, 2020

Online gambling possesses a unique set of risks. Combined with the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, online gambling can be especially tempting and destructive for those with gambling problems. Why? Here are 6 risk factors of online gambling:

  1. Easy access. In just a few clicks or taps, gamblers can access games and betting opportunities right from their devices.
  2. Isolated playing. While gambling in casinos allows people to socialize, online gambling is often done alone. And for those with a gambling problem, it may be easy to conceal how often and where they’re playing.
  3. Unlimited play time. Gambling sites are open 24/7, giving people the chance to play night and day.
  4. Seemingly unlimited money to bet. Using a credit card enables fast bets and losses. In casinos, money is exchanged or loaded onto registered loyalty cards. But credit cards require no loading or reloading, making it easier to lose track of money spent. Significant losses can negatively impact credit scores as well.
  5. Unregulated websites. Fraudulent or unregulated gambling sites may take advantage of players and can be hard to track down and take action against if problems occur.  
  6. Cybersecurity issues. Because sites can be unregulated, personal data, including credit card and banking account numbers, may be vulnerable and accessible to hackers or scammers.Additionally, contact information may be shared with third-party partners to promote gambling sites and offers.

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