Healthy Habits Tip of the Day

Published: January 10, 2021
Did you know that research suggests it takes 21 days to form a habit? This year, Get Set Before You Bet wants to encourage you to prioritize self-care and awareness in the New Year with 21 days of healthy habits.
Tip of the Day #1: Start Screen-Free Sundays.
For the first-ever tip of the day, consider incorporating Screen-Free Sundays into your week. Screen time, especially for children, is becoming a bigger problem during the pandemic. But spending one day a week off of all social media, apps, computers, TVs, and mobile devices is a great way to disconnect and be with loved ones or focus on other activities you love without distraction.
Tip of the Day #2: Try a new recipe every week.
Cooking at home is an easy way to stay healthy and save money! Think about the comfort foods you enjoy and make them yourself.
Find a new recipe every week to add some variety to your home-cooked meals. If cooking isn’t your strong suit, start off using recipes that only need a few ingredients. You could also try a meal kit delivery service, so all of your ingredients are already included and pre-measured.

Tip of the Day #3: Create a daily routine.
Having a consistent routine helps you build healthy habits and stay organized. Be sure to get enough sleep each night along with consistent meals and movement each day!
Tip of the Day #4: Don’t procrastinate.
Waiting until the last minute to do something can cause unneeded stress and anxiety. It can feel easier to push something off and forget about accomplishing your task. While that may help in the short-term, it can hurt you in the long run. Instead, commit to daily tasks and pick specific times to complete them.
What have you accomplished when you stopped procrastinating? Take a video or a photo of your answer and post it on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the hashtag #TipOfTheDay and tag us.
Tip of the Day #5: Plan out your week.
Take some time each Sunday to sit down and map out your week. Having a plan will help you get mentally prepared to start the week on Monday. Items to plan for include meals, coordinating your family’s schedule, and making time for yourself.
Tip of the Day #6: Talk through your problems.
Talking through your problems, whether it be to a family member, friend, or a professional, can help you process your emotions. It can also help reduce anxiety, find solutions, and feel more connected with others.
Tip of the Day #7: Drink eight 8-oz glasses of water every day.
Drinking water has numerous benefits, like getting rid of waste from your body, regulating your temperature, lubricating your joints, and more. An easy way to make this a priority is to drink a glass when you wake up, before you go to bed, and with every meal.

Tip of the Day #8: Put yourself first by saying “no”.
It can be hard to say “no” to people. And as a result, you can feel overwhelmed with what you agreed to. By only saying “yes” to your responsibilities and the commitments you truly want to prioritize, you will free up time and be less stressed. This might be challenging at first, but the good news is that saying “no” gets easier with practice!
Tip of the Day #9: Make time for your favorite hobby.
Having a hobby, or discovering a new one, has lots of benefits. A few benefits include improving your mental health, reducing stress, having a creative outlet, and socializing with people who have the same interests. From knitting to hiking to reading and more, the options for a new hobby are endless.
Tip of the Day #10: Eat well-balanced meals.
Cookies or potato chips might taste great but will make you crash later in the day, leaving you more stressed out, tired, or anxious. Instead, snack on items like avocados, eggs, or mixed nuts, which will make you feel full and less stressed. Packing your meals with vegetables, protein, and whole grains will also help avoid crashes throughout your day.
What healthy snacks and meals are you preparing? Take a photo and post it on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the hashtag #TipOfTheDay and tag @BeforeYouBet.
Tip of the Day #11: Call a loved one at least once a week.
Sometimes, a call with your friend or family member is exactly what you need. Set up time at least once a week to catch up with a loved one. It’ll help you feel more connected no matter how near or far your closest loved ones live.
Tip of the Day #12: Create daily to-do lists.
To-do lists are extremely helpful in writing down the essentials for your day. Start each day with what you know you need to get done and add or move items to keep your list up to date. Don’t forget to cross off things you complete and reap the rewards of getting items done!

Tip of the Day #13: Try to get outside once a day.
Take some time each day to get outside. Time outdoors reduces your cortisol levels, which is a key stress hormone. It can also be a great time to get away from your daily responsibilities and unwind.
Get outside and post a photo on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the hashtag #TipOfTheDay and tag us.
Tip of the Day #14: Spend 15 minutes cleaning one room each day.
Sometimes, letting the work around your house pile up can make you feel overwhelmed. Pushing off one task can turn into a giant list of things to do. Every day try to spend 15 minutes cleaning, whether it be one room or several sections of your home. Spending an extra few minutes each day will prevent one massive cleaning day later.
Tip of the Day #15: Write down your feelings.
Journaling or writing down what is going on in your life allows you to really think and clarify your thoughts and feelings. It can also serve as a great problem-solving tool and help you explore your emotions in a judgment-free space. If you don’t own a journal, you can write on loose-leaf paper or other paper around your house!
Tip of the Day #16: For every item of clothing you buy, donate something you own.
Buying new clothes is always exciting, but do your shopping sprees make your closet feel more overwhelming afterward? Many people tend to hold onto clothing they no longer wear, so each time you buy new items consider donating an equal amount of your wardrobe to make room in your closet. This will help minimize the closet chaos and provide clothes to someone who really needs them.
Tip of the Day #17: Create an exercise routine and stick with it.
Exercise reduces your body’s stress levels and increases endorphins, boosting your mood. If sticking to a workout routine sounds challenging, start small. Think about a 15-minute exercise you can do every day. Can you take your dog on a walk or do some yoga? Don’t be too hard on yourself when creating your initial goals and increase in difficulty as you go.
Tip of the Day #18: Give every item a designated place.
Have you ever lost your keys or remote only to find them after 15 minutes of intense searching around the house? You can solve this problem by giving every item in your home — big and small — a designated place to be stored. Organizational hooks, bins, shelves, and more can help you save time in the long run to avoid endless searching.
Tip of the Day #18: Give every item a designated place.
Have you ever lost your keys or remote only to find them after 15 minutes of intense searching around the house? You can solve this problem by giving every item in your home — big and small — a designated place to be stored. Organizational hooks, bins, shelves, and more can help you save time in the long run to avoid endless searching.
Tip of the Day #19: Get into a sleep routine.
Stress and sleep are closely connected. Making sure you get enough sleep every night — not just on the weekends — is important in reducing stress. Getting into a nightly routine will help you fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day. If it is still hard to fall asleep, try some calming activities like drinking chamomile tea, taking a warm shower, or skipping screen time at least 30 minutes before bed.

Tip of the Day #20: Pass on the alcohol and caffeine.
Alcohol and caffeine are both drinks that increase your brain’s stress levels. These items can also impact your sleep quality, which leads to more stress. Instead, try sipping on other beverages like herbal tea, sparkling water, or decaf coffee.
Tip of the Day #21: Set aside time to relax once a day.
For the very last tip, you are encouraged to relax! Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can significantly improve your mental health. These practices (you’ve heard of “mindfulness”) bring your attention to the present moment and actually help you address the stressors in your life. It can also help with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Hopefully, these 21 tips will help you have a healthier, happier, and more organized year!