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Five Family-Friendly Ways to Get Out and #MoveInMay

Published: May 9, 2022

With the weather warming up, pools opening for the season, and parks in full bloom, May is the perfect time of year to commit or recommit to physical activity as a family. Because being active is always more fun when you do it outside! 

Getting outside and being active is even more important if the child in your life plays video games regularly. By balancing gaming with other activities and hobbies, children can create healthy boundaries with games and lower their risk of developing a potential reliance on them down the road.

Change The Game Ohio has put together a list of fun and affordable activities your family can do in May, which is also recognized as National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.

Sign up for a race: One great way to get active is by participating in a 5k or obstacle course run as a family. Plenty of races allow kids to join their parents for free, and some races are specifically designed for kids under 18. Not only is race day a fun activity, but the weeks of training alongside each other can be a great bonding experience.

Try an outdoor fitness class: Attending an outdoor fitness class together is a great way to build exercise into your family’s weekly routine. Many large cities offer outdoor yoga, dance, or rock climbing and can give beginners clear step-by-step instructions to help prevent injuries. 

Bike or walk everywhere you can: Bike or walk to the grocery store, library, pool, or sporting events if they’re within a reasonable distance. Doing so can provide many benefits, including healthier lifestyles, reduced gas consumption, and more time to slow down and enjoy one another’s company. 

Do yard work together. There’s always yard work to do during the spring and summer, and it can really work the muscles. Raking leaves, mulching, and tending to the garden can all be simple ways to get outside and get moving. 

Head to your neighborhood pool. Lap swimming is a great way to get active as a family. If you or your child aren’t ready to swim laps, plenty of games like ring toss or “sharks and minnows” can get your heart rate up. If you want to advance to lap swimming, consider signing up for lessons. 

Change The Game Ohio hopes that this list helps your family brainstorm ways to get outside and be active this May. Be sure to snap photos of the family activities you decide to do together and post them on social media with the hashtags #MoveInMay and #ChangeTheGameOhio. also offers various resources to help your child set limits and become aware of their gaming activities.

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