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Here’s How the Gambling Industry Is Changing

Published: July 25, 2022

Many people know that gambling is a major contributor to the global economy. But did you know that it has grown so much in the last five years that 26% of the world population now gambles at least once a year?

With that number likely to increase as various new forms of gambling are legalized across Ohio and beyond, it’s important to know the factors that may affect the gambling industry for years to come. 

Gambling regulations: Before gambling became as common as it is today, it was heavily regulated and even illegal in some states. But now that players can place bets online from the other side of the world, regulations have had to pivot – whether that by loosening or tightening limitations.

Voice recognition: Voice recognition technology is a small market but has started to expand recently. With voice recognition and gambling, players use the technology to place bets in real-time in a stadium or online. The user can place bets by speaking out their bet of choice and then confirming it with a voice command, without the use of a keyboard or button.

Esports betting: Before You Bet has discussed the reality of esports and esports gambling in the past. Esports betting is a form of sports betting where the gambler bets on the outcome of video games played by professional gamers who stream their play online. This type of gambling is growing – from 2020 to 2021, discussions on Twitter about esports have gone up 38 percent. So, the trend will likely continue in the future.

By understanding the shifting playing field of gambling, you can be better equipped to participate in the activity responsibly. To learn more tips and facts about responsible gambling visit the Tips and Education page.

And if you think you or someone you know might be struggling with a problem with gambling, help is available 24/7 by making the call or chatting with the free, confidential helpline at 1-800-589-9966 or by texting 4HOPE to 741741.

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