New and Improved Change the Game Ohio Website is Now Live

Published: June 3, 2024
Today, children are repeatedly exposed to gambling. Flashy advertisements from betting platforms are attractive to children, and many of the video games kids play have components that mimic gambling and operate similarly to slot machines. These in-game functions are often referred to as microtransactions, loot boxes, or skins.
Children are also exposed to gambling through activities that are seemingly harmless. Examples include receiving lottery tickets as gifts, betting on the Super Bowl with friends, or filling out a March Madness bracket. The sooner that children are exposed to gambling, the higher their risk of developing a gambling disorder later in life.
To keep up with the changing landscape and help parents, educators, and professionals in their efforts to prevent youth gambling, Ohio for Responsible Gambling has revamped the Change the Game Ohio website. The new site is full of educational resources, discussion guides, informative presentations, and more.
Along with the website updates, we created a new PSA to encourage parents to start the conversation with their kids about the realities of gambling. Watch the video below.
The new website includes:
Visit to learn more and play a part in preventing youth gambling.