Case Presentation: Networking for a Cause- Connecting Ohioans to Resources for Gambling-Related Harm

June 4, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Location: Virtual Event
Cost: Free

This hour-long presentation will discuss the collaborative effort providing Ohioans resources and information who are affected by gambling-related harm.  These processes include the Ohio Problem Gambling Helpline, Warm Transfer Gambling Specialists, and the Ohio Gambling Telehealth Network.  This presentation will discuss how these services developed and work together to ensure access to help in utilizing agencies and providers throughout the state, non-clinical resources, and the availability of counselors through telehealth-based services.  Summary information about calls will be shared, and discussions will include commonalities experienced in calls.
Continuing Education:1.0 CEU is available for this training. Problem Gambling Network of Ohio is an approved continuing education provider through the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board, Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage & Family Therapist Board, and the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board.
Jesse is PGNO’s OGTN Manager. Jesse has worked in the treatment services field for 10 years primarily working with clients living with substance use disorders. He has both direct service and administrative experience in this field. Starting in 2020, he started trainings to build competency to assist clients living with gambling disorders, and this has become his primary professional interest. As the OGTN Manager, Jesse heads efforts to connect clients to telehealth services for assistance in treating gambling disorders while also facilitating occasional trainings.
Olivia Burris, CDCA 
Olivia is the Intake Coordinator for OGTN, helping clients navigate the gambling support service system and connecting them with local resources. She is passionate about helping those in need in her personal and professional life and spends time volunteering with individuals in recovery from substance use.
To learn more about the qualifications for treating gambling disorder, visit