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September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Here’s how you can help.

Published: September 14, 2020

Each September, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network of more than 170 crisis centers, highlights the role everyone can play to help prevent suicide and save lives. The free, confidential 24/7 helpline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) is committed to improving crisis services and suicide prevention efforts through awareness and education. 

People struggling with problem gambling are at increased risk for suicide. In fact, 32% of those with gambling addictions consider suicide and 1 in 5 attempts to take their life. You can help. Here’s how you can support suicide prevention:

#BeThe1To help save a life

A message from the Lifeline, #BeThe1To is an encouraging reminder that you can make a difference and help someone who may be considering suicide. Here are 5 steps you can take:

  1. Ask the question “Are you thinking about suicide?” 
  2. Keep them safe by asking important questions about their thoughts and plans.
  3. Be there and show support for the person who is at risk.
  4. Help them connect to ongoing support services and resources.
  5. Follow up and see how they’re doing after they’ve connected with support systems. 

Get all the details on the 5 action steps.

Learn the warning signs of suicide

According to the Lifeline, certain signs can indicate someone is at risk for suicide, particularly if the signs are new, worsening, or seem related to a difficult life event or loss. These are some key warning signs people may show:

  • Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves
  • Looking for a way to kill themselves, like searching online 
  • Talking about feeling hopeless, trapped, or like a burden to others
  • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Acting anxious or agitated 

View more warning signs

Save, share, and support prevention resources

Start by storing the helpline number—1-800-273-8255—in your phone, so it’s easily accessible if it’s ever needed. The Lifeline offers a variety of ways you can help prevent suicide, including sharing the important #BeThe1To messages online and in your community, volunteering at local crisis centers, and donating to crisis centers and suicide prevention organizations. Check out all the ways you can join in the prevention conversation this month at

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