A Winning Strategy This Super Bowl Season

Published: February 1, 2021
Although sports betting is not legal in Ohio, small wagers on the odds of the Super Bowl with friends or coworkers can be fun and harmless. But for some, that small bet can be detrimental — to their bank accounts, family and friends, and physical and mental health.
That’s why this Super Bowl season, Get Set Before You Bet wants to educate Ohioans on the risks associated with problem gambling and how to gamble responsibly if choosing to do so.
What is problem gambling?
Problem gambling is an urge to keep gambling despite the negative consequences or a desire to stop. Unlike substance use disorders, the signs of gambling problems may not be as noticeable. However, there are emotional and behavioral changes that suggest someone may have a problem with gambling. A few of these changes include:
- Exaggerating gambling wins and downplaying losses.
- Being secretive about where they go and the amount of money
they spend. - Seeming restless, irritable, and easily agitated.
- Withdrawing from friends and family and spending more time alone.
- Sleeping and eating less.
- Feeling remorse after gambling.
What should I do if I or someone I know has a problem with gambling?
- Access free resources from local clinics.
If you think you or a loved one might have a problem with gambling, help is always available. Click here to find services in your area. You can also call the gambling helpline for free, 24/7, confidential support at 1-800-589-9966 or by texting 4HOPE to 741741.
2. Take the quiz.
Answer a few questions about your gambling activity in the last 12 months and gauge your risk level for problem gambling. Take the 2-minute quiz here.
3. Get free education on responsible gambling.
Click here for free resources and tips on responsible gambling, money management, and planning ahead for your future.