Tuning In: Listen or Launch Your Own Podcast About Problem Gambling

Published: May 24, 2021
The internet can be a great equalizer. People can enter into a community, make new friends, and find a sense of belonging with like-minded people.
That’s one of the reasons podcasts have had such a cult following in the digital age. The main topic is something every listener can relate to in some way. That creates a strong, tight-knit community, even if it’s virtual.
Podcasts about problem gambling are a great way to get educated on the risks and signs of problem gambling, hear personal stories and get connected to proper treatment if you need it.
Recovering problem gambler and advocate Jamie Salsburg presented on increasing problem gambling awareness through technology at the 18th Annual Ohio Problem Gambling Conference in March 2021.
He started the After Gambling Podcast and was also a guest on episode 158 of ALL IN: The Addicted Gambler’s Podcast. Both podcasts offer a space for people to anonymously talk about their struggles and find a sense of community. These podcasts are available on platforms like Google Play, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.
If you’re interested in starting your own podcast or another form of media like a blog, website, or social media account, there’s no better time to start than now. The demand for media is growing, you can reach a wide variety of people while posting as much as you want, and listeners can engage anytime, anywhere.
Interested in starting or expanding your problem gambling or responsible gambling education outreach efforts? Here are some helpful tips from Salsburg.
Tell a compelling story that is unique and captures people’s attention:
Since today’s world is oversaturated with media, you have to position yourself uniquely. What makes your media different? Is it a place where people can write in their thoughts or experiences, a platform for you to talk about your own story, or maybe a mix of both? Finding a key theme to focus your efforts on will help streamline and scale your messaging.
Ask yourself these 5 questions when creating content:
Before you make content, ask yourself these 5 questions.
Who are you?
What do you need to know?
Who needs to know?
Why should they care?
How will they find out?
This is not a hard and fast rule but will help hone your messaging and provide relevant information for followers.
Empower followers with easily shareable content:
You can make an impact when you create content that explains things followers could never say out loud. If the content is sharable, it can give people an outlet to talk about their own personal struggles in an easier and more comfortable way.
If you are interested in learning more facts and information on problem gambling for your media efforts, Before You Bet provides a wealth of free information and resources. Access customized resources for various populations such as seniors, veterans, and the African American community. Learn more at BeforeYouBet.org/community-toolkit/